Saturday, December 17, 2011

The collector's challenge


The requirements for making big profits in collectibles sounds simple at face value.  All you have to do is identify those items that will rise in price the fastest, buy them at the lowest possible price, and sell them at the highest possible price in a reasonably short amount of time.  It sounds easy, doesn’t it?  It would be, if there was no competition and a pool of wealthy buyers eager to buy whatever you offer them.  The problem is that there is a multitude of people just like you, trying to do the exact same thing.  Another problem is that the consensus ”best item to buy” changes periodically so you’re trying to hit a moving target.  (Note: that sounds like a bad thing, but it can help you…we’ll get to that later).  Worse still, even if you know what type of material or items to go after and you have all the money in the world, you may not be able to find it due to its rarity, or because there aren’t any sellers willing to part with it. Or maybe you will find it, but it will be in a poor state of preservation.  And worse still, you may not have a lot of money to start out with.  With limited resources, the pool of material you have to work with is limited to what you can find and what you can afford.  But don’t despair!  If you had infinite resources at your disposal and a consultant to guide you into making the best possible purchase, you would probably make a great return on your investment, but you would miss out on so much fun!  Putting your limited resources to work, and networking with other collectors to plot your next move and then battling with buyers and sellers in a real or virtual forum is an adrenaline rush that adds a whole new dimension to your hobby.  It sounds hectic and fun, doesn’t it?  It is.  Some collectors crave it. 

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